The TrainEd team are delighted to hear Learn Live launched a brand new rail safety campaign this week. The Rail Safe Friendly launch event builds on the success of a five-year digital campaign aimed to educate young people across the UK on rail safety.
The initiative provides schools and the rail industry with an opportunity to work together
using content from Network Rail’s Switched On Rail Safety website. All schools and industry partners that are part of the initiative will now display the Rail Safe
Friendly logo on their website to showcase their involvement and support.
The campaign delivers rail safety messages through live or on demand content digitally into classrooms and assembly halls via the Learn Live platform. The system also has a
moderated, GDPR compliant LIVE CHAT facility to promote interaction and involvement
from the schools/colleges taking part in the initiative.
There will be 3 levels to the Rail Safe Friendly Initiative for schools to achieve:
Bronze level – A school will ensure that all pupils and teachers have watched the rail safety broadcast either live or on demand via the Learn Live channel. Schools will need to register to confirm their attendance and provide feedback after the broadcast has been viewed by the students. Schools will also need to sign up to the Switch On Rail Safety website to receive rail safety updates from Network Rail.
Silver level – To achieve the Silver level, a school will need to have completed the Bronze level and communicated to parents and carers the details of the rail safety broadcast. This can be done via newsletters, parent assemblies, school websites, social media channels or
other forms of communication used by a school. The school will also be asked to promote
the Switched On Rail Safety website on their social media channels.
Gold level – To achieve the Gold level, a school will need to have completed the Bronze and Silver levels and created a rail safety video, podcast or poster with their students to promote in their school and social media channels using a brief provided by Learn Live.
To find out more information and how you can get involved please visit Learn Live’s website: