Community Sessions

Information about our community sessions delivered by our engaging and experienced team.

Working with community groups

The team at TrainEd have engaged with many community groups across Yorkshire and Lancashire. Trips have been organised for families who are linked to community centres. These have taken place at weekends and school holidays. A carers support service has taken opportunities to take their unpaid carers out on respite trips across the North. Our Accessibility and Inclusion officer Katie, who is currently learning sign language, has taken members of the Deaf community out on trips on the Calder Valley line. Education Officer Shahiesta, a member of the south Asian community herself, has organised rail confidence sessions for different ethnic minority groups in the region – including her work with refugee groups. If you would like to take part in sessions, please contact us to discuss what we can organise for your community members

Accessibility and Inclusion

Our Accessibility and Inclusion officer Katie, who is currently learning sign language, has taken members of the Deaf community out on trips on the Calder Valley line. Education Officer Shahiesta, a member of the south Asian community herself, has organised rail confidence sessions for different ethnic minority groups in the region – including her work with refugee groups. If you would like to take part in sessions, please contact us to discuss what we can organise for your community members

Contact us to find out more about our sessions