Welcome back to our friends in schools who we hope have had a marvellous rest over the summer. The team are ready to head out to talk to your pupils about rail safety, careers, sustainability and rail confidence. They’re also looking forward to taking your groups out and about on the railway. Please contact us if you would like to book in a session with one of our qualified staff.
All five members of our education team have had a busy summer and wanted to share some of their highlights with you.
Karen turned 40 in the summer and travelled to Wales with her family to celebrate. As her younger brother Greg also turns 30 in October, they decided the mark the occasion by going on the world’s fastest zip line in Penrhyn Quarry.

Dave also decided to do an exhilarating pursuit when he travelled to the Netherlands with his family – he went on Europe’s highest swing in Amsterdam with his daughter Pippa.

Shahiesta travelled to Morocco to celebrate the wedding of her eldest son. It was very warm but she enjoyed seeing family and becoming a mother in law.

Catherine travelled to Northern Ireland with her family. They drove to Scotland first and sailed over by ferry. Her favourite part was visiting Giants Causeway in the North – don’t mention camping in the storm to her however. That was pretty scary!

Katie has managed to secure herself a spot at her local allotment. She’s already been growing strawberries. The team are looking forward to sampling some of her produce at future meetings in the bunker!